a digital publication of Honest Abe Log Homes
May 2018 Edition
Visit Two Custom Log Homes at Rock Hill Road Farm
Two custom homes by Honest Abe Log Homes at Rock Hill Road Farm near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, will be open to visitors during a free reservations-only tour on June 16 beginning at 10 a.m.
One of the log structures is an 835-square-foot log cabin, while the other is a 3,255-square-foot home. Owners R.J. Hadle and husband Sam Grano collaborated with Honest Abe designer Melissa Copas to create the kind of living spaces they had imagined.
Both homes feature square logs with chinking, but R.J. and Sam chose to have the exterior walls of the larger home hand hewn by Honest Abe. Because an experienced craftsman at Honest Abe uses a vintage tool called an adze to manually hew the log, the result is much the same as pioneer homes would have appeared.
Read the rest of the story HERE.
Design Opportunities Open Up When Doors Are Closed
An open design floor plan may not be for everyone. Here’s how one Honest Abe homeowners created privacy and retained grandeur.
Make Plans Now for Free Autumn Events in Moss, Tennessee
Tour a new 10″ Round log home by Honest Abe when you attend the October Log Raising and other activities Oct. 19 & 20 in Moss.
Rock Hill Road Farm’s owners used Honest Abe Log Homes’ Dry-in Service during construction of their new log home.
Not only does chinking add a beautiful touch to a log home’s interior and exterior appearance, there are many practical benefits to chinking.
You’re Invited to Our Honest Abe Events
Our free log raisings, home tours, open houses are opportunities throughout the year to learn more about log and timber frame homes.
Rock Hill Road Farm Log Home
Rock Hill Road Farm Log Home was drafted from the homeowners’ original concept by Honest Abe designer Melissa Copas.